Gutenberg: The React based editor for world class user experience

You cannot force brilliance. People that is absolutely best at something got to love what they do. That is also a fact for journalists and content providers. That is why you need to invest in the solutions that inspire people to work with Drupal. The Gutenberg editor handles exactly that.

If you want to work on the great CMS projects, if you like happy clients and long term client co operations you should get to know Gutenberg.

In the session
We will explain why Gutenberg is a great choice, when to use it and how to get started.
We’ll talk about the best practices when creating your own custom Gutenberg blocks. Give real examples on when to extend the Gutenberg core blocks, and when to start from scratch. Let’s create nicely customized UIs with a great return of investment.

Best practices through examples: Demoing how we’re using Gutenberg core blocks, Drupal core blocks, dynamic listing blocks, blocks integrating with other sites, custom blocks and field mapping for structured content.

Drupal 8 is a rock solid CMS framework packed with powerful admin features. Our users expect a CMS to be both flexible and easy to use. Building a shiny landing page shouldn’t be hard!

Oh, and expect great details that everyone loves: Livesearch for inserting blocks, copy/paste a full landing page - or just half of it, create your own new blocks within the editor, insert media with drag-n-drop, reorganize with drag-n-drop, and much more!

Having inhouse experience with both Drupal, WordPress and React, we ported Gutenberg to Drupal 8. It’s working, and it’s smooth.
