Build Drupal 8 Websites up to 4x faster- Using Cohesion

Empowering less technical people in your team content authors, marketers, designers to build websites faster and cheaper, giving developers more time on building complex features and new integrations.

Yes, Acquia Cohesion is a low code set of tools built for Drupal that lets you create and launch websites 4x better. It helps quickly create and modify Drupal websites, layouts, and templates using intuitive drag and drop interface.

SEO i Marketing online

Na wykładzie zostaną poruszone zagadnienia związane z pozycjonowaniem stron, optymalizacją, a także marketingiem online. Omówimy w przystępny sposób ważne elementy kodu, który powinien być odpowiednio zaimplementowany. Omówimy także jaki powinien wyglądać odpowiedni układ strony ułatwiający odwiedzającym poruszanie się po stronie oraz jaka funkcjonalność pomaga realizować zadanie strony, którymi może być np. sprzedaż lub informowanie.

Zostaną poruszone następujące tematy:

na co zwrócić uwagę tworząc skuteczną stronę WWW,

Want to make Drupal even better? Learn how to contribute Your work on

The Drupal's success is based on the work of many tallented and dedicated developers all around the world. Every single day they contribute their pice of code to make Drupal's core and all modules more usful, secure and meet the newest standards of coding. If You developed new module You would like to introduce to the community or want to improve and support an existing one please come and see how easy it can be done through and what are the benefits of doing that.

The Webform module's greatest hits, combined by an AMA

For the past four years, dozens of new and cool features have been added to the Webform module for Drupal 8. This presentation will walk-thru the Webform module's greatest hits with some rare gems from the feature vault. You are guaranteed to learn something new about the Webform module, especially because you can "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) during this online presentation. Participants are invited to help answer people's questions via chat by posting recommendations and links.

What's new in Droopler 2.0

Droopler distribution is among the most popular Drupal 8 distributions. It is created to allow users to build business websites fast and brings the most modern standards to the corporate web development. Component based, Droopler gives a lot of power to editors to create compeeling wesbites and landingpages quickly. Droopler is also still very much Drupal. It is built using the most often used modules and the most standard approaches not to force users down custom code alley.