Build Drupal 8 Websites up to 4x faster- Using Cohesion

Empowering less technical people in your team content authors, marketers, designers to build websites faster and cheaper, giving developers more time on building complex features and new integrations.

Yes, Acquia Cohesion is a low code set of tools built for Drupal that lets you create and launch websites 4x better. It helps quickly create and modify Drupal websites, layouts, and templates using intuitive drag and drop interface.

Session Canceled

Hi, i am Acquia Certified Drupal 8 Site Builder, I am extremely excited to give a talk about Best Practices for Creating a Drupal website, and enlighten webform and advance site Building Techniques that will ease for both End User's & Site Builders.

Main Reason of my Session:

JSON:API - A zero Config OOTB Approach for API-First Drupal

The JSON:API module is a fully compliant implementation of the JSON:API Specification. In its own words, the JSON:API specification is:

A specification for how a client should request that resources be fetched or modified, and how a server should respond to those requests.

Drupal 8.7 ships with JSON:API which makes a solid and stable path to support decoupled Drupal through standardisation of payload structures and query string parameters.

Gutenberg: The React based editor for world class user experience

You cannot force brilliance. People that is absolutely best at something got to love what they do. That is also a fact for journalists and content providers. That is why you need to invest in the solutions that inspire people to work with Drupal. The Gutenberg editor handles exactly that.

If you want to work on the great CMS projects, if you like happy clients and long term client co operations you should get to know Gutenberg.

In the session
We will explain why Gutenberg is a great choice, when to use it and how to get started.

The Webform module's greatest hits, combined by an AMA

For the past four years, dozens of new and cool features have been added to the Webform module for Drupal 8. This presentation will walk-thru the Webform module's greatest hits with some rare gems from the feature vault. You are guaranteed to learn something new about the Webform module, especially because you can "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) during this online presentation. Participants are invited to help answer people's questions via chat by posting recommendations and links.

Building an open-core SaaS business

Coined by Andrew Lampitt in 2008, the open-core model primarily involves offering a "core" or feature-limited version of a software product as free and open-source software, while offering "commercial" versions or add-ons as proprietary software.

In this session, utilizing Open Social, I’ll discuss some of the key fundamentals of building an open-core SaaS business.

Our journey in Drupal installation profile land

Installing Drupal using a profile is a quick way to geta a ready-to-use site to start working on your content.
However, it is not so easy to achieve an optimal distributable installation profile.
On the one hand, you can't add as many functionalities as you want without taking maintenance costs into account and on the other hand you must think on the interaction between modules, backwards compatibility updates and so on.
In short, a complex journey with endless uncertainty to know if you go on the right track.